My Gas Growler loses pressure. Is that normal?

My flame keeps dying out. What's going on?

If you're having trouble getting a consistent flame on your camp stove when using the Gas Growler, there are two pretty common solutions.

The first thing we recommend is letting some gas build up in the hose before starting your stove. Make sure all burners on the stove are turned off, open the tank valve very slowly and wait at least 30 seconds before starting up the stove. This can help get a bit of pressure going and keep the gas flow consistent. Also, some camp stoves may include a regulator with an overpressure shut-off valve. Turning the gas on very slowly will help make sure this valve doesn't shut off the gas flow due to excess pressure.

If this doesn't solve the issue, the most likely issue is that your tank was overfilled with propane. Our tanks should be filled with about 1.2 gallons of propane to leave enough room for the liquid propane to vaporize into gas. Some propane fillers are not accustomed to handling such small tanks, which occasionally leads to overfilling. If your tank has been overfilled, we recommend burning off some propane to return it to an appropriate level. This should improve performance. To burn off excess gas, hook the tank up to your stove and open the tank valve slowly. You should be able to run the stove for short periods of time to burn off the small amounts of vapor that have accumulated, then shut off the stove and repeat the process until the propane level drops.

If you're not sure whether your tank might be too full (or empty!), you can also follow these instructions to find out approximately how much propane you have in the tank.

To avoid overfilling in the future, we recommend telling your propane attendant to put 1.1 - 1.3 gallons in, as opposed to filling until their overfill shutoff activates. With a small tank, there isn't as much wiggle room and a couple tenths of a gallon go a long way!

For any other questions about your Gas Growler, feel free to reach out to us!

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