I'm having trouble getting my Gas Growler filled. Help!

While in theory filling our Gas Growlers is no different from filling larger tanks, there are a few issues that occasionally arise. Here are a few of the most common causes of difficulty when trying to get the Gas Growler filled:

1. Like all modern propane tanks, the Gas Growler has an OPD (Overfill Protection Device) in the valve. Sometimes with smaller tanks, attempting to fill the tank too quickly can trip the OPD due to the liquid propane splashing inside the tank, "tricking" the OPD into closing because it thinks the tank is full. It's best for the filler to connect the tank to the propane supply hose (with tank valve closed), turn on the flow of propane, and then, very slowly, open the tank valve just a crack and allow the tank to fill slowly.

2. On rare occasions, the OPD can get stuck or jammed. in the closed position. Usually, this can be fixed simply by giving the tank a couple of firm taps on the ground (lift the tank a couple inches, and thump it down firmly 2 or 3 times).

3. There is a "bleeder screw" on the side of the valve stem, which needs to be opened in order to fill the tank. Most fillers will know this, but it's something to watch for.

4. Some propane fillers are just not accustomed to working with small tanks. Most propane fillers use a scale and if the scale is not set properly, or just not sensitive enough, it may shut off the propane flow prematurely, or even never start it. You can ask up front when taking the tank filled whether the business has experience filling small tanks.

5. Our propane tanks (with the exception of the discontinued Gas Growler X-Pro) should come from the factory pre-purged. However, once in a blue moon a tank might leave the factory improperly purged, or not purged at all. Most local propane dealers should be able to purge the tank. (If you end up needing to get the tank purged and they charge you for it, let us know and we can compensate you for the cost of the purge!).

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